Config switch port

# ssh -l admin ca-6op290-3-swi-1
ca-6op290-3-swi-1# show running-config
ca-6op290-3-swi-1# show config
ca-6op290-3-swi-1# show vlan

ca-6op290-3-swi-1# config terminal
ca-6op290-3-swi-1(config)# interface GigabitEthernet1/9
ca-6op290-3-swi-1(config-if)# description private network
ca-6op290-3-swi-1(config-if)# switchport access vlan 617
ca-6op290-3-swi-1(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 617
ca-6op290-3-swi-1(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 617,671-680
ca-6op290-3-swi-1(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
ca-6op290-3-swi-1(config-if)# end
ca-6op290-3-swi-1# show running-config
ca-6op290-3-swi-1# copy running-config startup-config
// or
ca-6op290-3-swi-1# write

Add Vlan

# vlan database
# vlan id 617
# end
# show vlan

Slow DHCP issue

It takes over 30 seconds to request the new IP from DHCP server. Add following switch port config

spanning-tree portfast [trunk]

Then it takes about 10 seconds to renew the IP from DHCP server.

Configure SAN Switch Zoning

admin> alicreate "caostest628_0", 10:00:00:90:fa:13:d4:be
admin> alicreate "caostest628_1", 10:00:00:90:fa:13:d4:bf
admin> zonecreate "z_caostest628_0", "caostest628_0; casunstor6_0; casunstor6_1"
admin> zonecreate "z_caostest628_1", "caostest628_1; casunstor6_0; casunstor6_1"
admin> cfgadd cfg_6op290, "z_caostest628_0; z_caostest628_1"
admin> cfgsave
admin> cfgenable cfg_6op290
admin> cfgshow
admin> nscamshow  //list all the switches and port wwn in the fabric
admin> fabricshow //list all the switches in the fabric and their switch ID 

Tech/Switch (last edited 2014-03-07 22:29:14 by frank)